Consumer reviews authenticity


Consumer reviews authenticity is really important factor to build your business and consumers’ trust.
The below infografic from Baazarvoice presents very interesting data.
Simply it is better not to hide controversial or negative opinions than delete or hide them.
It is a business and sometimes it is so difficult to be prefect.
There are also some local legal regulations that don’t allow hiding such opinions or reviews like in European Union.
The US market is different. You can do what you want but the below data present that in long term it is not good for your business.

Consumer reviews authenticity

Consumers are more and more educated, knowledgeable. They use forums, portals, specific social media networks for sharing opinions. They also look for the trustworthy sources before they buy anything – like Amazon reviews, Angie list and others.

Consumers even want to see some trusted marks on websites or online shops like Trustedshops,, Rzetelna firma (Polish) or others.